Thursday, December 16, 2010

Re-Post: A Christmas Poem by Neyland D. Catt

This is a re-post of one of my very first blog posts in honor of the holiday season and as a trip down memory lane in honor of The Fictitious Cat's One Year Anniversary.  Some of you may have already read this one.  If you have, pretend that you haven't and act surprised!*

Gather round my little friends, whether you be furry or furless, and attend with eager ears as I lift your holiday spirits with a poetic verse.

That Night Afore Christmas

'Twas the night afore Christmas and all through my house,
I was stealthily stalking a succulent mouse.
Big Pinkie and the Lady were all tucked in their bed,
fat Tiger the cat draped o'er Big Pinkie's head.
Gracie and Anime watched me with glee,
as I cornered yon mouse 'neath the bright Christmas Tree.
The mouse gave a cry to alight upon a limb,
I grinned and sure-footedly climbed up after him.
Gracie exclaimed "Neyland look out!"
After seeing my skills, how could she doubt?

The mouse lit upon on a shiny red ball,
I stared in horror as I watched it's slow fall.
The mouse ran away as the ball started to shatter,
then the rest of the tree fell with a thunderous clatter.
I turned to find Anime and Gracie had fled,
Big Pinkie from the hall staring, his face was quite red.
I ran through the house pursued by the angry human male,
I fled away fleetly, tinsel waving from my tail.
I tried to explain that I was after a rat,
but try as I may he wouldn't buy that.
He said "You tore down the tree and thought it was fun!"
"That's not true!" I exclaimed, "The rat had a gun!"
And so here we are, my tale now is told,
I spent the remainder of Christmas... outside in the cold.

Merry Christmas to all,
and to all a good nap!

Neyland D. Cat

* I re-read this one and didn't have to act... I really was surprised.  This was actually an entertaining little poem.  Neylo didn't take long to find his style.
                                                                           ---Big Pinkie


  1. Great poem... you should post that every year. Love it.

    pawhugs, Max

  2. Love it!

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  3. oh my cod, i can hardly breathe for the laffin! that was the bestest poem i'd ever readed, PLEASE post that every year. you has a true talent my furrend.
